testo 环境 CO 探头Long-term measurement stability thanks to electrochemical sensor
更新时间:2024-01-20 | 厂商性质:代理商 |
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testo 环境 CO 探头
Be alerted about CO concentrations which are hazardous to humans. Before entering a boiler room, a leak or some similar problem may endanger the life of the fitter. Tobacco smoke, petrol heaters, defective room heating furnaces and car exhausts are also frequent sources of CO.
Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas and one of the most toxic substances in indoor air. The gas prevents the brain from getting enough oxygen and, in high quantities, can lead to nausea, loss of consciousness and even death. The CO measurement gives you a clear picture of the carbon monoxide levels in the indoor air.
Ambient CO probe with calibration protocol including fixed cable 1.5 m.
testo 环境 CO 探头
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自从 1957 年成立以来,德图集团以平均每年高于10% 的速度增长,当前的销售额已超过 2.5 亿欧元,黑森林地区的宁静同高科技体系的美好结合令人印象深刻。高于平均水平的投入奠定了公司走向成功未来的基础,德图集团坚持将十分之一的销售额用于研发项目。